33th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences

06.1 - Flight Dynamics and Control (Control & Modelling)


E.M. Thoma¹, T. Grönstedt¹, E. Otero Sola, KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden; X. Zhao¹; ¹Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

The study focuses on the evaluation of noise abatement approach operations and their environmental impact. The assessment starts from some standard trajectories, namely the Continuous Descent Approach and the Low-Drag-Low-Power and the aim is to look into more advanced procedures, such as the Steep Approach and optimized trajectories. The procedures are designed for an A321neo and compared and evaluated for noise and emissions, using empirical and semi-empirical correlations. It is indicated that multidisciplinary design and adaptation to specific conditions are required for the assessment of these interdependencies for flight procedures. It will, furthermore, be demonstrated that trajectory optimization can result in significant improvement when aiming to minimize emissions and noise for specific areas, e.g. communities around the airport.

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