33th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences

05 - Propulsion


A.-P. Chalke¹, N. Glodic¹, M. Gutierrez Salas¹; ¹KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Paper explores the potential of using carbon-fibre reinforced composites for designing low-pressure compressor blades with improved aeroelastic performance. Comparison between the blades with different laminate stackups is made with respect to the modal behaviour and aerodynamic damping. It is found that if carefully designed, the composite blades can provide higher aeroelastic stability than the reference metallic blade. At the same time the results reveal that a laminate stackup with stabilizing behaviour in one mode could have a destabilizing effect for the other mode. The dependency on ply angle and arrangement of plies in laminates is observed to be complex and further investigations and experimental validation is therefore deemed necessary.

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