32th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences

02 - Systems Engineering and Integration


J. Shen¹, Q. Zhou¹, B.F. Li¹, C. Chen¹; ¹Chinese Aeronautical Radio and Electronics Research Institute, China

As the most commonly used modeling language for mbse, Sysml is often used in the conceptual design phase in the V model of the product lifecycle. At present, we have done a lot of mature research on the modeling method of Sysml, but in the process from conceptual design to unit design, Sysml model is often used as the specification of system function and architecture, which means Sysml plays very little role in the unit design process. rnIn this paper, SysML model is Compiled into a generic model format as .fmu throuth FMI (functional mock-up interface). FMI is a tool independent standard proposed a solution for model integration with intermediate files. In this mode, the SysML model can integrate with other forms of models such as Simulink and Modelica, which play a role in unit design. With transferring a runnable SysML model, on the one hand, the role of SysML in product lifecycle is extended. It achieves the purpose of reusing the model. On the other hand, the FMU model from SysML can help to carry out Co-simulation ahead of time in unit design and implement the advance of the testing process.rnThis paper also studies the mapping relationship between SysML model and FMU model encapsulated by FMI. We also presents a situation that SysML model participates in unit design and unit-level test through a typical case, which tests the electrical system status of cruise missile in the process of attack. The paper provides an effective and practicable method for using concept models efficiently.rn

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