31th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences

08 - Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management


X. Wang¹, H. Cui¹, P. Xu¹, S. Bi¹; ¹Shenyang Aircraft Design and Resesarch Institute, China

An aircraft structure requires light weight, high efficiency, long lifetime, low cost, and rapid manufacturing. The traditional manufacturing technologies can not break these constraints. Innovative structures based on additive manufacturing provide a technical approach.rnIn this article, three kinds of innovative structures of additive manufacturing are introduced. The first one is the large integral structure, see figure1. Because the parting planes and stress concentration in design are eliminated, the strength and fatigue properties of the large integral structure are improved substantially. In order to solve deformation and crack, global discretization-partition optimization has been applied to achieve forming and connection at the same time. An equivalent Kt method for evaluating the fatigue performance of Connected region is proposed. The second innovative structure is material graded structure, see figure2. The component is fabricated with dissimilar metal material by AM. In this way, the gradient distribution of the mechanical properties is achieved, and the material graded structure is formed. Because the material layout is designable, the lightening efficiency as well as fatigue life are increased, and the integration of load bearing, heat and corrosion resisting are achieved. The performance of the transition zone including the geometric feature, specimen, static behavior, fatigue behavior are showed. The third innovative structure is functional integrative structure, see figure3. The functional system and fuselage structure were designed separately in the traditional structure, with the result that the design has some redundancies. By contrast, the fusion design in the functional integrative structure yields simple structure as well as light weight. Metal multi-functional lattice structure is fabricated by AM. The optimal design of the unit cell configuration is applied to analyse the load bearing characteristic, failure mechanism and failure Mo

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