23rd Congress of International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 8-13 September, 2002, Toronto, Canada
Paper ICAS 2002-7.9.1


J. Hallock (1), C. Tung (2), S. Sampath (3)
(1) US DOT Volpe National Transportation Center, USA; (2) US Army Aero-Flight Dynamics Directorate, NASA Ames, USA; (3) US Army Research Laboratory, European Research Office, UK

Keywords: wake vortices, capacity, vortex behavior

Vortex separation standards preclude hazardous encounters, but are oftentimes very conservative. A key to increasing airport capacity is to know when vortices are not a hazard so that aircraft can land and take off with closer intervals. This paper provides an overview of the highlights of a conference held in London to address the capacity and wake vortices issue.

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