23rd Congress of International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 8-13 September, 2002, Toronto, Canada
Paper ICAS 2002-4.6.1 (I.L.)


G. A. Amiryants (1), V. D Grigoriev (1), F. Z. Ishmuratov (1), A, Franz (2), E. D’Hénin (2), N. Bessert (2)
(1) TsAGI , Russian Federation; (2) CargoLifter Development GmbH, Germany

Keywords: airship, static aeroelasticity, flutter, wind tunnel model

The aeroelastic behavior of a large airship at various flight conditions is considered. The study is focused on static aeroelastic problems, such as efficiency (reversal) of control, shift of aerodynamic center, change of other aerodynamic derivatives, and on dynamic problems such as flutter, gust response. The theoretical investigations use finite element programs and the polynomial Ritz method.

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