23rd Congress of International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 8-13 September, 2002, Toronto, Canada
Paper ICAS 2002-2.4.2


F. M. Kong (1), J. Hua (1), J. W. Xiang (1), Z. Y. Zhang (2)
(1) Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, PRC; (2) Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xian, PRC

Keywords: wing, maximum lift coefficient, mild-stall, endurance

The design research of wings featuring high-lift, mild-stall characteristics for long-endurance air-vehicles is presented. The main purpose is to investigate the design concept, methods and technology of the particular wing sections. Wind-tunnel measurements show that the maximum lift coefficient and the maximum endurance factor of a sample wing equipped with the new BUAA-K1/-K2 airfoils have been increased considerably, compared with another wing using the well-known GAW-1/GAW-2 airfoils. The aerodynamic features of high-lift and mild-stall have been realized.

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