About ICAS



The International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) is a non-government, non-profit making, scientific organization which was established in 1957 to encourage the free interchange of information on aeronautical subjects. The recognized National Associations of the World dedicated to the advancement of the science and engineering of aviation and space are eligible for membership of ICAS and full participation in its activities.

ICAS today numbers 32 societies from as many countries. In addition, it is supported by aerospace companies, scientific and technical institutions acting as associates. The objective of ICAS is to organize on this international basis a worldwide forum for the discussion and international interchange of aeronautical problems and subjects, and promote international co-operation in the study of such problems in aeronautical science and technology where there is a common interest.

ICAS holds an International Congress in the fields of Aeronautical Sciences on a biennal basis. The venue is chosen by the General Assembly and changes from Congress to Congress.