ICAS 1976 Ottawa, Canada

Table of contents

Title Author(s)


The dynamics of STOL (Guggenheim Lecture) R.D. Hiscocks
Resume of steep gradient research at RAE Bedford A.D. Brown
The Canadian STOL Demonstration-The data collection, the findings and their applications H.P. Rosewarne
D.D. Spruston
TORNADO, an advanced STOL Fighter-bomber design (General Lecture) O. Friedrich
B. Young


Interference-free wind tunnel flows by adaptive-wall technology
W.R. Sears
R.J. Vidal
J.C. Erickson
A. Ritter
Iiviscid theory of wall interference in slotted test sections S.B. Berndt
The US 2.5 meter cryogenic high Reynolds number transsonic tunnel R.R. Howell
W. McKinney
The response of turbulent boundary layers to small turbulence levels in the external free stream H.U. Meier
Developments in transonic steady and unsteady flow theory J.R. Spreiter
S.S. Stahara
Advanced aerodynamics for transonic flight A. Eberle
W. Staudacher
Analysis of two-element high lift systems in transsonic flow B.C. Arlinger
The design of transsonic airfoils under consideration of shock wave boundary layer interaction H. Sobieczky
E. Stanewsky
An experimental and computational investigation of the mean and dynamic flow field about an airfoil in supercritical flow with turbulent boundary-layer separation M.W. Rubesin
A.F. Okuno
L.L. Levy jr.
J.B. McDevitt
H.L. Seegmiller
The franco-german experimental program for the evaluation of a supercritical wing for a combat aircraft application M. Lotz
B. Monnerie
Recent Explorations in Relaxation methods for three-dimensional transonic potential flow W. Schmidt
S. Hedman
Wing-Body interference on a generalized load distribution on the body due to triangular wings at supersonic speeds E.S. Larson
Supersonic flow past a slender delta wing - a experimental study J.L. Stollery
I.C. Richards
Viscous flows in slots W. Geller
E. Grundmann
The effect of wake thickness on the rolling-up process in two dimensions H. Portnoy
Theory and experiment on the hypersonic source flow over long, slender bodies in a conical nozzle M. Yasuhara
S. Watanabe
H. Mitome
M. Ikeda
Unsteady and steady aerodynamic forces of slender delta wings according to Newtonian theory H.T. Hemdan
W.H. Hui
Optimization of the rotor-wing system from helicopter performance point of view K. Szumanski
A computational program for aerodynamic generalized forces L. Balis-Crema
P. Santini

Structure and Design

Optimum design of composite primary structure aircraft components D.M. Purdy
C.G. Dietz
Evaluation study of composite reinforced wing panel construction J.J. Cools
G. Bartelds
The application of advanced composites to military aircraft R.N. Hadcock
A new type of attachement for B/AL Compressor blades R. Knochendörfer
Calcul des coques multicouches de revolution par la methode des elements finis D. Engrand
The application of empirical stress strain functions to structural optimization problems D.M. Richards
Geometric programming in structural design A.J. Morris
Computer oriented statistical methods for low failure propability fatigue life prediction and impact strength lower bound determination J. Gedeon
The role of fracture mechanics and fatigue in the design of advanced aerospace vehicles E. Antona
V. Giavotto
A. Salvetti
E. Vallerani
Une nouvelle methode de mesure des formes modales des structures aeronautiques J.J. Angelini
A general approach to supersonic aero-elastic vibrations problems P. Santini
R. Barboni

Power Plant

Aircraft fuel conservation technology (General lecture) J.M. Klineberg
The accuracy of thrust in flight derived from calibrations in an altitude test facility J.C. Ascough
Etude theorique et experimentale d'une grille d'aubes supersonique annulaire mobile J. Paulon
J.P. Veuillot
Design techniques for high by-pass ration power-plant nozzle systems A.R. Seed
Computation of transsonic flow with detached bow-shocks through two-dimensional turbo-machine cascades F.G. Sator
Aerodynamic performance of two variable pitch fan stages R.D. Moore
G. Kovich
Noise generated wavelike eddies in a turbulent jet Y.Y. Chan
Repartitions de pression instationnaire et propagation du bruit dans les manches d'entree des turbomachines J. Taillet
M. Perulli
S. Lewy
J.L. Prieur


The art and science of modern flight testing - a personal view D. Lean
Accuracy limits in nonsteady flight testing H.L. Jonkers
J.A. Mulder
Ground run maeuvering qualities of aircraft with nose wheel control S. Luthander
L. Wickström
S. Öberg
On optimality in human control tasks S.J. Merhav
Predictive adaptive control of a non-linear time- varying aircraft system P.A. Studer
Conflict detection and resolution in the Netherlands ATC-System SARP-II J.M. ten Have
C.G.H. Sholten
Evaluation of a new flight path command control concept V. Adam
Research in ground-based near-terminal area 4d guidance and control C.L. Britt jr.
L. Credeur
Operational experience on Concorde (General Lecture) R.M. McKinlay
G.R.I. Heaton
J. Franchi

Environmental effects

External noise of light propeller-driven aircraft F.W.J. van Deventer
G.J.J. Ruigrok
New developments in blown flap noise technology J.S. Gibson
Opportunities for future improvements in aircraft noise R.P. Gerend
Lightning protection of low density aircraft structures F. Cicci
P.H. Bootsma
Climatic impact assessment program - conclusions and recommendations (General lecture) A.J. Grobecker
The International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences  
ICAS Executive Committee  
ICAS Scientific Committee  
Participating Societies of ICAS  
Alphabetical list of authors